NPP Germany to train polling station agents

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As part of its preparation towards ensuring victory in the 2016 elections, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Germany is organising a training programme for Polling Station Agents/ election volunteers who will be traveling to Ghana to assist in the various constituencies.
The one-day programme which is scheduled to take place in Hanover aims at providing the volunteers with a clearer understanding of the electoral process, especially the duties and responsibilities of the Polling Station Agent and more importantly the need to maintain vigilance at all times.

 Mr Kwaku Anane-Gyinde, National Organiser of NPP-Germany who disclosed this at meeting with party supporters in Frankfurt over the weekend explained that the massive interest and the high patronage of the programme underscore the yearning for change in Ghana.

According to him over fifty volunteers have so far confirmed their participation and urged those still interested in being part of the training to submit their names to their local chapter chairpersons or secretaries, adding “our target is to recruit and train at least one hundred (100) committed and dedicated volunteers who are prepared to defend and protect our votes on November 7”

 Touching on the recent spate of the unlawful arrest and detention of NPP supporters and sympathisers, Mr Anane-Gyinde noted that the incompetent President Mahama and his cronies have realised that their days are numbered and in their desperation to hold on to power, they have resorted to the use of force in an attempt to intimidate the NPP.

The outspoken national organiser assured all NPP supporters that the party will not in any way succumb to the politics of intimidation adding that “ such crude and outmoded political tactics cannot deter us but rather strengthen our resolve and determination to work harder towards ensuring victory come November 7.”

He said the seven years of the NDC government have been characterised by untold hardships as evidenced by escalating utility tariffs, high cost of living, unprecedented corruption, mismanagement, blatant abuse of power and sheer incompetence.

 According to him, Ghana deserves better and assured Ghanaians that an Akufo-Addo led government will offer honest and purposeful leadership dedicated to the prudent management of the country’s resources for the benefit of all Ghanaians.

For his part, Mr Owusu Ansah, Chairman of NPP-Frankfurt indicated that the party is mobilising both human and material resources in readiness for the November 7 polls and encouraged members to fulfil their financial pledges to ensure victory for the NPP.

He announced that NPP-Frankfurt has embarked on a number of activities including fund raising, talking to friends and relatives back in Ghana and membership drive campaign all with the view to rallying support for the party.
The Communication Team

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