73-Year-Old Dad Celebrates Birth Of Second Child With Girlfriend, 30

One of Britain’s oldest dads is celebrating the birth of his second child with this girlfriend – who is 43 years younger than him. Coach driver John Willows, 73, first became a proud father on Christmas Day 2011- with partner Polly Jackson D’zaccheus – who is just 30 years old. But the loved up couple are now celebrating the arrival of new son David – who was born at Lincoln County Hospital on November 21 – weighing 6lbs 12 oz. They say that they are more in love than ever, and are now looking forward to Christmas with their new arrival. John said: ‘I’ve never been happier in my life. I lost my wife to cancer 11 years ago and it took a long time to move on from that.

‘I was very happy to meet Polly and she is the love of my life. The kids make me feel young and keep me going. ‘They definitely put a spring in my step and keep me on my toes. ‘We do get the odd comment about the age gap but it doesn’t bother us. You cannot put an age on love and the majority of people are very supportive. ‘They are just glad to see us so happy.’

 The couple, from Lincoln, first met at their local Salvation Army church five years ago because they both played in the band. Polly says that John has proved to be a fantastic father and the pair ignore any criticism of their age gap. She added:“It doesn’t bother me. He is a brilliant father and a fantastic person. ‘I remember seeing him when I first went to church after moving here from Loughborough. There was an instant connection. ‘Because we both played in the band together we saw a lot of each other.

 ‘We’re both bass players, and gradually we were spending more time together. ‘Then after a couple of years I text him as I was going away and said, ‘What do I say if people ask whether we’re a couple?’ ‘He replied: ‘Say yes,’ and that was it really.’ The couple are now looking forward to their first Christmas together with their young daughter. -uk.news.yahoo

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