If Polygamy is an offense in US then Homosexuals should not have rights in Africa – Foh-Amoaning

Mr. Moses Foh-Amoaning, the Executive Secretary and Spokesperson for the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values, has said homosexuals do not have any rights, insisting the act is a criminal offense. He explained that the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights did not state any rights for homosexuals and emphasized that Ghana’s 1992 constitution is also explicitly clear on Human Rights provisions and therefore homosexuals cannot claim any rights under it. “Why is polygamy a criminal offence in the United States, but it is normal in Ghana, so what right has anyone got to tell us not to criminalize homosexuality. He said there was no scientific, theological and legal or any psychiatric basis for homosexuality and for that matter Africa and the rest of the World must be courageous enough to speak against it. Mr. Foh-Amoaning made these remarks during a Regional consultative meeting with Traditional Councils to draw attention to the growing threat of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-sexual (LGBT) right activism in the country. The coalition is a mix of Christian and Para Christian bodies, the Muslim society and other entities aimed at ensuring the preservation of sexual and family values.

The meeting, which was attended by the clergy, Muslim leaders, School chaplains, opinion leaders and members of the Oguaa Traditional Council, was organised jointly by Emmanuel University and the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values. It was on the theme “Uniting to combat the scourge of Homosexual (LGBT RIGHTS) Activism in Ghana, the Tripartite Strategy”.

Mr. Foh-Amoaning, who is also a senior Law lecturer at the Ghana School of Law, said homosexuality was a human weakness and legalizing it would mean elevating what was clearly a human wrong into human Rights and insisted “that need not happen in Africa”. He stressed that it could not be legally tenable simply because someone had a propensity to a certain sexual orientation for that orientation to be elevated into human rights and be protected by the law and added that the law had the duty to protect the society.

The law lecturer questioned why people were being prosecuted for engaging in sodomy which was a similar sexual orientation but homosexuals were not, and pointed out that so far as sodomy remained an offense, so should homosexuality. Politicians vying for office must declare stance Mr. Foh-Amoaning also pledged the coalition’s commitment to ensure that persons vying for any political office clearly state their position on the issue of homosexuality in this year’s general elections.

 “We cannot trust our politicians on all other issues because there have been several matters where this country had been sold off by our politicians, but on this issue of homosexuality, we would not allow our politicians to sell us off”. He stated. Mr. Foh-Amoaning said the attempt by the Western World to force African countries to accept homosexuality was a form of neocolonialism aimed at enslaving the mindset of black people and challenged African leaders not to succumb to the pressure.

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