‘Police Service now job for the boys’ – former Police Chief

Chief Inspector Michael Asamoah (Rtd), a former Chief Inspector of the Ghana Police Service has blamed the influx of half-baked and uneducated policemen in the service on politicians. According to Chief the falling standard of the police service is because recruitment is now “job for the boys”.
“When I was in the police service, some people who could not read or write were passed out as policemen just because they were affiliated to a political party” he said. Chief Inspector Asamoah revealed this on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme while discussing measures being put in place by government to avert a possible terror attack.

He noted that the politicization of all the security agencies has resulted in unqualified people gaining entry to either the police, military or immigration. “During our time, our training was over nine months full of energy and knowledge but now police recruits go for training for just three months and they pass out so they come out with nothing” he bemoaned.

Chief Inspector Asamoah, who was stationed at Bolgatanga in the Upper East region, said Ghana can have a robust police service if politicians abstain from interfering in recruitment. He stated that the lack of accommodation and unavailability of telephone facilities are derailing efforts by the police and military patrol teams to combat crime.

On the way forward, he called on government to resource the police service to be ever ready to prevent any terrorist attack in the country. Chief Inspector Michael Asamoah also urged Ghanaians to be citizen vigilantes and report any suspicious characters to the police for prompt action.

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