Coup in Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou – Members of Burkina Faso’s Presidential Guard on Thursday announced the dissolution of the government on national television, saying President Michel Kafando had been ousted. A military official said on state-run media in Ouagadougou that they had put in place a national democracy council charged with organising democratic and inclusive elections.
The presidential guard was believed to be dissatisfied with plans to dissolve it and to integrate it into the military police. Burkina-Faso-President-and-Prime-Minister The soldiers reportedly belong to the Presidential Security Regiment on Wednesday interrupted a cabinet meeting in Burkina Faso detaining Kafando, Prime Minister Isaac Zida, and arrested several ministers. The dissolution had been recommended to Kafando by a reform and reconciliation commission formed after former President Blaise Compaore fled the country in October. The commission, which includes prominent Burkinabes and civil society representatives, proposed that the presidential guard be integrated into the military police and the gendarmerie.
 Meanwhile, members of the Presidential Security Regiment fired shots to disperse protesters demanding that the soldiers release President Michel Kafando and his ministers but no injuries were reported.

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