People Call Me 'devil' Because Of My Two Extra Legs

An Indian man who was born with four legs has become an outcast after villagers labelled him a devil. Arun Rajput's extra limbs are believed to be from an undeveloped parasitic twin but he wants them removed so he can follow his dream of being a teacher.
Arun Rajput has had the two extra limbs - believed to be from an undeveloped parasitic twin - dangling from his back since birth. But the 20-year-old says he has been forced to live the life of a recluse by those in the remote village of Farrukhabad in Uttar Pradesh, northern India. Rajput said: "People laugh at me. They say I am a devil. No one respects me here because I look different. But I want to be like one of them. I want to work like other man."

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