Transport Minister resigns over bus branding scandal

Hon. Dzifa Attivor, the Minister of Transport, has resigned over the bus re-branding saga. Government’s decision to spend a whopping GHC 3.6 million on re-branding 116 buses, has angered many Ghanaians, with the majority questioning how that outrageous expenditure could be approved under the watch of the President. Her resignation comes barely a day after a report was presented to the Chief of Staff; Mr. Julius Debrah, following an investigation he demanded into the controversial contract. Details of the investigative report have not been made public yet. It is thus unclear why the Minister has chosen the path of resignation even before the report is made public.

A statement signed by the Minister’s Personal Assistant, Egypt Kobla Kudoto, to confirm her resignation said “Hon. Mrs. Dzifa Attivor, Minister of Transport wishes to inform the good people of Ghana that , as the Minister with oversight responsibility for the activities of the Metro Mass Transit (MMT) she has tendered in her resignation due to the current issues surrounding the branding of the 116 buses.” “She further wants to take the opportunity to thank her party for the opportunity offered her to serve, first as a Deputy Minister of Transport under the late John Evans Atta Mills, and later as the Substantive Minister.

Mrs. Attivor also wishes to thank the President sincerely for the honour to serve in his government. She has already communicated this decision to His Excellency President John Dramani Mahama through the Chief of Staff, Mr. Julius Debrah” the statement concluded. 

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