Uganda: " for leaders with caring spirit that will enable them make right their promises?" - Bishop Luwalira appeals

Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira greets Deputy Chief Justice Steven Kavuma after the Xmas service. Photo by Norman Katende
Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira, the Bishop of Namirembe Diocese, has advised people to elect leaders who are caring. Delivering his sermon at St. Paul's Cathedral Namirembe on Christmas Day, Luwalira said: "It is a hostile time for elections and so many words are being told to us. People are promising heaven and earth to the public but the question is that do they have that caring spirit that will enable them make right their promises?" Luwalira asked the congregation that had turned up for the 10.30am service. He said that it is time that each Ugandan developed a spirit of caring for others as this is the spirit that will be able to change our country like Jesus cared and changed the world he was living in.

"This is not only for politicians but for all of us. Christians also no longer care about others. We have not shown an example to help the needy and the helpless get to know Jesus through our actions. Let us decide today that we become more like Jesus and do his will on earth, caring for the broken hearted and giving those who are burdened rest. It starts from you and me," he said. He advised all Christians to take part in the elections of the different political office bearers, saying that "though all of us are looking forward to go to heaven, we are still on earth and hence we should ensure that we have the right leaders on earth."

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