Ghana: Water And Electricity Tariffs Goes Up By 126.4%

Nana Yaa Jantuah - PURC
The Public Utility Regulatory Commission(PURC) has announced new tariffs for utilities effective, December 14, 2015. The electricity is up by 59.2% across board (VRA, GRIDCo,NEDCO), while water(residential) has also been increased by 67.2%. The Director of Public Affairs at the PURC, Nana Yaa Jantuah who announced the tariff hike today said: “As we grow in generation demands, and add more thermal plants, cost also increases” PURC noted that the water increment was largely driven by cost of electricity and chemicals .

Ghana Water Company Limited and the ECG initially requested for 400.2% and 128.6% of tariff increment respectively but an agreed rate of 67% and 59.2% was granted them. The increment is coming amidst a protracted energy crisis popularly known as Dumsor, a social difficulty Ghanaians have endured for over three years, together with perennial water shortages in many communities of the country.

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