Don’t come to my church because of cars - Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi

In a normal scenario, a ‘Man of God’ would usually receive from his followers and those who are moved by the spirit to give to God’s work. But in the case of Prophet Emmanuel Kobi of Glorious Wave Chapel at Sakumono, he rather gives freely more than he receives. From celebrities to needy members of his congregation and to even people who visit his church, he gives to them as he is led by the spirit. And it is the extravagance of his benevolence -- giving away flashy cars, houses, plots of land, among others -- which has caught the imagination of the public.

 It is believed Prophet Kobi has given out over 100 vehicles to some of his church members, including a tall list of celebs such as
Obaapa Christy (2014 Hyundai Sonata), Daddy Lumba (Mercedes-Benz E220 CDI convertible), Great Ampong, Nicholas Omane Acheampong (2009 Honda Accord V6), Yaw Sarpong, Ohemaa Mercy, Nyansah Boakwa, Ophelia Nyantakyi, Bernice Ansah, among others.

But if you’re attracted to the church to be lavished with gifts more than a quest for salvation, please think again. Prophet Kobi says if his gift giving is the only pull factor for anyone to worship with him then that person will wait forever since it is God who directs him to bless members of his congregation with presents.

He told the Graphic Showbiz in an interview last Saturday at the House of Miracle Ministries at Madina, where he was a guest minister at the Stars in Worship, that God directed him to give to the needy in society, although he sometimes considered people who had achieved something in life but lacked the means of transportation.

“Any celebrity who particularly joins my church with the aim of getting a car might be hugely disappointed. If I am not touched by God to do so, the person would have to wait forever,” he said. Prophet Kobi indicated that there were a lot of celebrities in his church whom he was yet to bless with cars because God had not spoken to him yet. “There are a number of celebrities in my church whom I am yet to bless with a car or some other gift. And because God has not given me the go ahead, I cannot just give them anything. “I don’t sell cars in my church neither do I just give cars for fame, I am guided by what God tells me to do,” he stated.

According to the prophet, he had given out about 100 cars which are mostly gifts from people he had blessed, and others he bought himself when he was directed by God to bless others with a gift. Asked why he chose celebrities to bless with cars, he said such celebrities were achievers and explained that all those he had given cars would put them to good use.

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