Ghana: ‘EC Boss Committing Too Many Mistakes’ ......She also talks too much.”

THE MODERATOR of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rev. Professor Emmanuel Martey has criticised the chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Mrs. Charlotte Osei for committing too many blunders in dispatch of her duties. He advised the EC boss to stop talking too much and work behind the scene to rectify the mistakes. The Presby Moderator cited the controversial committee constituted by the electoral commissioner as one of the errors. “You cannot appoint for example a committee without thorough search against the background of members that will constitute the committee. She also talks too much.”

Rev. Professor Emmanuel Martey
 The moderator indicated. He made the observation when the Hope Congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana climaxed its silver jubilee celebration with a mammoth thanksgiving service on Sunday. Earlier, the moderator who preached sermon on the theme of Hope, said the Christian faith has three cardinal virtues of which hope is one with the other two being faith and love.

According to him, Christians hope is grounded in the Lord and he will never disappoint them, admonishing them to abandon their spiritual myopia and follow God’s path. Rev Professor Martey was full of praise for the Hope congregation for its contribution to the growth of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. On his part, Isaac Akesseh, the 25th Anniversary Planning Committee chairman outlined some successes chalked by the church through its 25 years of existence, stressing on the church’s strong evangelism roots which has helped the church cross boundaries. Awards were presented to individuals and groups who have contributed to the growth of the church. A plaque was unveiled to crown the activities.

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