"It's easier to raise money to build party office than health post" - Bolga East MP

Bolga East MP has defended the building of an imposing National Democratic Congress constituency office in the Upper East region where 8 out of every 10 persons are considered poor. In a run up to the parliamentary primaries, the MP who is also deputy Attorney General told A1, a Bolga-based radio station, it is much easier to raise money to build a party office than a health post in the community.
“If I go and tell people [to] give me money to build a health center, those who are donating the money to me like Tony Lithur, and my own boss [Marrieta Oppong-Brew Appiah], it is much easier to sell the idea of housing party office than building a health infrastructure”. “They [financiers] will tell you to go to government”, he explained the reluctance of his financiers to support community based developmental projects.

 The building, he said was his vow to delegates in the NDC parliamentary primaries ahead of the 2012 general elections. “That was the first promise I made to my delegates”, he recalled the August 2012 campaign- a promise that resonated with the people and made him to win the primaries and subsequently the Bolga East seat, which is known to be a stronghold of the NDC. The delegates did not fail him in the parliamentary primaries and he did not have to fail them either- there is now an iconic building where party strategy and meetings can be held.

 The deputy legal advisor to the president said he was saddened by the struggles the party faced after losing the 2000 general elections. Landlords drove the party out of rented offices because they did not want to associate with the party in opposition. According to him, NDC operatives were sacked from offices in some constituencies in the Ashanti region. He vowed to help the party with landed properties if he was elected MP. “Even if we are in opposition, that party office will stay as the property of the National Democratic Congress”, the MP said.

 But some residents in the area have labelled the edifice an example of misplaced priorities. They say in the face of poverty, a party office as impressive as that is unnecessary. Faced with a re-election bid in the NDC parliamentary primaries in November 2015, Dr. Dominic Ayine was on radio to account for his tenure as MP. The deputy minister explained he has invested in developmental projects in the constituency. Jacobsen Ghana Ltd has given the area six boreholes Voltic has sunk two more and Hydronomics has dug 10 more free of charge, he counted progress.

 He bought the pumps for the boreholes at 32,000 cedis. “I am getting companies to provide social services to the people” he said. Dr. Dominic Ayine added he is building a library through corporate lobby without any support from government. He also rejected claims he is not creating jobs. The lawyer explained all the cement and building materials were bought in the area as a way for helping local businesses. “I buy all the cement from Bolga East. I buy all the iron rods from Bolga East, nails and everything from Bolga East”

He said resolving the unemployment challenge in the region requires investment in education. “If you take my record in education, the payment of school fees – from secondary school to the university- it is unparalleled. Using my personal resources to assist the youth”. He said by paying for the education of youths in Bolga, he is “teaching them how to fish” for themselves.

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