Mnangagwa's son in 'mysterious' accident – The Zimbabwe Mail

VICE-PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa’s son, identified as Samora, reportedly survived a head-on collision that occurred at the Watershed College turn-off in Marondera on Monday morning. Police declined to comment over the accident, but sources said the crash involved Samora’s Ford Fiesta vehicle and a bread delivery truck coming from Marondera heading towards Harare. Although details of what transpired were sketchy, it was alleged that the Marondera-bound Ford Fiesta was being driven by Mnangagwa’s son. Sources who witnessed the accident, said the van overturned twice before landing on its roof, while the Ford Fiesta swerved to the other end of the road before Samora, an unidentified man and a woman were pulled out of the car. They were believed to be in critical condition and rushed to a hospital in Marondera.

When NewsDay arrived at the scene about two hours later, both vehicles were still at the collision site with a male police officer guarding them. . It is understood Mnangagwa’s son appeared to be in a critical condition, but police in Marondera and deputy national police spokesperson Chief Superintendent Paul Nyathi said they were unaware of the accident. NewsDay is reliably informed that the vehicles were released to their owners and were reportedly not taken to the Vehicle Inspection Department as per procedure.

The accident came at a time Mnangagwa is at the centre of a fierce succession storm, with the Zanu PF G40 faction fronted by First Lady Grace Mugabe, allegedly throwing spanners in his bid to succeed President Robert Mugabe. Last Friday, Grace publicly accused Mnangagwa of plotting Mugabe’s ouster so he could take over as President. A few days earlier, Hurungwe East legislator Sarah Mahoka had challenged Mnangagwa to publicly declare if he had ambitions to succeed Mugabe or he could become a victim of his own machinations.

Following Grace’s public outburst, Mnangagwa is alleged to have confronted Mugabe, asking the veteran politician to rein in his wife. Early this year, Mnangagwa had his Justice ministry office broken into for the sixth time in as many months, in what analysts believe was part of the ongoing factional fights. A number of high-profile people have been involved in mysterious accidents in the past, with one claiming the life of MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s wife Susan in 2009.

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