Bishop Obinim brags: 'I am the only one. I am unique; I am one in town'

Bishop Daniel Obinim of the International Gods Way Chapel has expressed shock that he is the only pastor in Ghana capable of turning into a snake and back into a human being. “Some people say they have never heard of a pastor who can move into the spiritual realms and then turn into different animals. I was waiting to hear from at least one other pastor that he also has that special anointing to also turn into animals or other things, but I have realised that in this country, I am the only one. I am unique; I am one in town,” Obinim told his congregation. The popular preacher, who appears to have a special skill in generating controversy, was responding to the public outcry that greeted his claim on OBTV that he transforms into animals. “When I go spiritual and I hang in the air like witches fly in the air—with Jesus hanging by my side—and I look down to watch Ghana, Ghana becomes very small like my handkerchief. I can transform myself into an animal. I can transform myself into a snake and bite you.

“Yesterday, someone brought a bell to the church. She actually came to me last week to narrate her problem and I told her not to worry and that I would visit her and that I would transform myself into an animal and visit her home and that I would come with Jesus. “So when I was going, I transformed into a lion and Jesus transformed into a tiger. When we entered the room, the woman started running so we went out, changed into dogs and returned to her room. The woman started using a bell to hit the dogs. Then the dog opened its mouth and said, ‘It is me, Obinim’, and the woman said ‘eiii bishop’ and then it transformed back into a human being and the tiger also changed again into Jesus,” Obinim stated in the video that has since gone viral.

 Interestingly, Obinim has remained adamant and has insisted that he was no joking: “I can even turn into a lunatic or a Blackman or a Whiteman or a child or an adult or a crocodile or a dove. When I enter into the spiritual realms, I can turn into any animal or any human being. I can even turn into a tree.”

 Bishop Diabolo Bishop Obinim has become one of the trending subjects on social media, with several jokes and jests about him being published on a daily basis. Some have nicknamed him ‘Snake Pastor’, ‘Bishop Diabolo’ and ‘Obinim Snake’. One of the popular jokes about him is that Bishop Obinim was the person who transformed into a snake and deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. There is another joke about a woman who was bitten to death by a snake because she mistook the serpent for Bishop Obinim and did not take caution when the animal crept into her bedroom.

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