Kenya: Disowned wife inheritor in Homa Bay commits suicide

A 64 year old man who has been renowned for inheriting widows in Homa Bay County has committed suicide after one of the inherited wives allegedly disowned him. Zackaria Asiago committed suicide in his house at Kanyuma Village, Kodera Karabach South Location, Rachuonyo south sub county. Eyewitnesses said Asiaga who had been working as a labourer in one of the homes in the area might have been angered by wrangles in which he was involved with one of the inherited widows. His neighbours said the man had taken wages he had earned from his boss to the lady. However, when he went back, the woman told him to stop any relationship with her and go back to his other inherited wives.

“The man had quarreled with one of the inherited wives who told him to pack and go back after he had given her money. I think this is what might have angered him,” said a resident who sought anonymity. The late senior citizen was described to have considered the lady as the one he loved most, a situation which made him more loyal in spending a lot of his money on her.

Locals described him as a man whose life was mainly dependent on inheriting many widows in the location but he lacked one of his own. Homa Bay County Police Commander John Omusanga said the man was a resident of the neighbouring Kisii County and had been living in the area for many years. “I want to call on our people to share their problems with other people in order to get way forward for life instead of taking away lives,” Omusanga said.

Omusanga decried rampant cases of suicide in the county and called on locals to counsel one another whenever they are faced with difficulties in life. The police boss said the deceased did not leave behind a suicide note. He said the man had been living in the area harmoniously with other neighbors and wondered what might have triggered him to take away his life.

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