Frozen baby found in toilet bin – New Era

The frozen remains of baby – wrapped in plastic shopping bags and discarded in a dustbin in a toilet at Town Square shopping mall – were found by a cleaner yesterday morning. The baby girl’s umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, raising speculation that its mother may have strangled the newborn before dumping it. The visibly shaken cleaner, who requested anonymity, told New Era she discovered the bloody plastic bag that was thrown into a dustbin in the female toilet and initially thought it was some meat hidden there by a shoplifter with the intention of collecting it later. The cleaner said she first threw rubbish into that bin at around nine o’clock in the morning and there was nothing amiss, but an hour later when she disposed of more rubbish she noticed a plastic bag with blood in it.

 “I thought it was meat, because it was frozen. I went to call my male colleague, whom I told what I had found. He accompanied me back to the female toilets and we started unwrapping about four plastic bags in which it was placed. . “We saw a head with hair. I got scared and asked God why I have to see such a horrific image,” related the cleaner, who was still on duty yesterday afternoon. She said the baby must have been kept in a fridge or freezer and removed early yesterday. There were no bloodstains on the toilet floor.

 “It is really traumatic. Why did she have to kill the baby? If the baby was alive we would have taken it,” she said. Police spokesperson Deputy Commissioner Edwin Kanguatjivi said they are investigating a case of concealment of birth. He was of the view that the birth most likely took place somewhere else and that the baby’s corpse was later dumped in the toilet. “No arrest has yet been made and police investigations continue,” Kanguatjivi said.

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