Moscow: Babysitter Beheads 4yr old Girl

A BURQA-clad babysitter has been arrested after beheading a disabled little girl in her care and wandering the streets holding the severed head. Gruesome video shows the woman walking outside Oktyabrskoye Pole underground station in Moscow holding the bloodied head in her hands while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’.
38-year-old nanny Gyulchehra Bobokulova
Local media identified the victim as a little girl of four named Nastya M. Nastya’s Uzbek national nanny Gyulchehra Bobokulova, 39, is understood to be the arrested woman. Gruesome video footage appears to show the woman, dressed in a burqa, walking outside an underground station holding a child’s head in her hand.

 Local reports claim the woman was shouting Allahu Akbar (Arabic for “God is Great”) during the horror incident this morning. At one point in the video she is seen raising the blood-covered head in the air while holding her index finger aloft in an apparent show of Islamic devotion. After apparently pulling the severed head out of a plastic bag, the woman is said to have started shouting religious slogans.

The woman is understood to have been on her knees praying before police swooped and made the arrest. . Before the woman was arrested she is said to have been heard shouting “My child was killed…I will blow up everyone…I hate democracy.”

Nastya M's mother Ekaterina
No explosives were found on her. The victim, four-year-old Nastya M, is said to have had learning difficulties and could not walk. Her mother, who works nearby in a wedding shop is said to have collapsed upon hearing the news and remains unconscious in hospital. The incident came just hours after Moscow police found the headless body of a child at a block of flats in the city.

They attended the apartment complex after being called to reports of a fire. Investigators claim the babysitter waited until the parents of an older child had left the apartment before carrying out the murder and starting a fire. The parents told police the nanny had been working for them for 18 months and a source told Interfax that she was ‘drugged’. -thesun

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