Ghana: A Gay and a robber

A 40-year-old self-confessed gay man is facing trial for allegedly robbing churches and some lecturers of the University of Ghana, Legon to pay his clients. Kojo Smith, who served two years at the Nsawam Medium Prisons for robbing participants who were attending a seminar at Mensvic Hotel, East Legon, in 2013, was re-arrested by the Legon police on February 10, 2016. The police are currently investigating four complaints leveled against him by some executives of Great Hall on the Legon campus, as well as two churches in the area. Police reports indicated that Kojo Smith posed as a photographer at the aforementioned hotel and stole bags and other personal effects belonging to the participants, church members, as well as resource persons.

The police said Smith, before his arrest, plied his trade at the Great Hall of the premier university and its surrounding churches, entertainment centres, funeral grounds, wedding and other major events on campus. Between December 2015 and February 10, this year, Kojo Smith allegedly stole various items, including passports, travel documents, laptops, mobile phones, $4,626 from his victims.

 Luck eluded him when police intelligence led to his arrest at the Christ the King Cathedral, Accra. When he was arraigned before court last Thursday, he confessed to the crime and added that he often sells the booty and uses the money to pay his clients whom he engaged in homosexual activities. The court then admitted him to GH¢30,000 bail with three sureties, one to be justified. He was also ordered to deposit an amount of GH¢10,000 with the court as part of the bail condition. Hearing was adjourned to Thursday, March 17, 2016.

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