Man caught sleeping with a pig and fined GHC 3, 000

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Kombat Musa, a 25-year-old man, has been charged for sleeping with a pig at Garu Timpani District of the Upper East region. The suspect, according to reports was caught sleeping with the pig in a piggery belonging to one Yaro, 35.
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Yaro, the reports said heard his pigs screaming and thinking it was a thief, rushed to his piggery to satisfy his curiosity, however to his utmost surprise found Kombat Musa penetrating the pig. When Yaro confronted him, he told him that, he had been asked to sleep with a pig as part of rituals to make him wealthy.

He pleaded for forgiveness and asked the owner to keep what he saw a secret. But Yaro who described the incident as a sacrilege filed a report to the traditional rulers who asked Musa to pay an amount of GHC 3,000 to Yaro. The suspect, Musa has been asked to keep the pig which he slept with.

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