Call Obinim to order – Movement for the Kingdom Image

The Christian Council of Ghana(CCG) has been called upon by a  Christian body, Movement for the Kingdom Image to call the founder of International Godsway Ministries, Bishop Daniel Obinim to order. According to the group, the CCG and all other faith-based organizations have a responsibility to ensure ethical standards are preserved and that the integrity of Christians are protected. The preacher of International Godsway Ministries had said he could metamorphose into different kinds of animals appearing in people’s dream to cause havoc. He insisted that the people of Ghana have “not seen anything yet concerning the anointing on my life that Jesus gave me.” However, a section of Ghanaians have condemned the claims of Obinim who believe the weird revelations of Obinim are dangerous of a genuine man of God.

The leader of the Movement for the Kingdom Image, Evangelist Yaw Boateng who have also waded into the wild claims of Obinim told Kasapa News such issue must not be taken lightly. “For us we believe the Christian Council of Ghana, the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council, Catholic Bishops Conference and all other recognized Christian groups must step in to show the right way. They must intervene to save the image of Christianity in entirety. “If the trend continues we will lose souls for Christ sometime to come”

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