Video: Police officers charged for killing innocent teen

Mombasa - Two police officers have been charged for the murder of a 14-year-old schoolgirl in Kwale County in Kenya. Former criminal investigation officer, inspector Veronica Gitahi and Police Constable Issa Mzee allegedly killed Kwekwe Mwandaza at her home two years ago as she slept with her two siblings.
The two were among 13 officers who raided her uncle's home in pursuit of a murder suspect. According to reports, the minor's skull had been shattered by bullets fired by the officers. The officers has previously claimed that the Class Six girl attacked them with a panga, prompting them to shoot in self defense. But while delivering his judgment, High Court judge, Justice Martin Muya said: "I am satisfied that the two accused persons were recklessly negligent, in the act of shooting in darkness without establishing who the victims were.

Whereas I find the offence of murder contrary to section 203 of the penal code has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt, I find that of manslaughter to have been proved." The officers had been released on KES 500 000 bond each after pleading not guilty in 2014, prompting the Director for Public Prosecutions and Independent Policing Oversight Authority to intervene. NTV reports that the KES 500 000 bonds they paid in 2014 were cancelled and the two were remanded as they awaited sentencing on Friday.

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