A SECURITY guard from Bulawayo has been slapped with a $250 fine for bedding his 15-year-old girlfriend twice. Cleopas Rerwa, 33, was initially charged with rape but regional magistrate Chrispen Mberewere convicted him of sleeping with a minor. “After considering evidence that has been brought to court so far, it’s clear that accused had consensual sex with the minor. The court therefore finds him not guilty of rape as alleged by the State but is convicted of a lesser charge, which is having sexual intercourse with a minor,” said magistrate Mberewere. “You’re therefore ordered to pay a $250 fine or face imprisonment.”

Prosecuting, Trust Muduma said the girl, who stays with her maternal aunt, accepted Rerwa’s love proposal in December last year. “On January 4 at around 7PM, the girl went to Rerwa’s cottage in Parklands to ask for her cellphone charger. Rerwa asked her to come inside the cottage. He asked her to lie on the bed and locked the door,” said Muduma. “He raped the girl once while covering her mouth to stifle her screams. The two slept in Rerwa’s room until about 3AM when the girl’s aunt came searching for her.” Muduma said the girl got out of the room and went home with the aunt. He said she told her aunt that Rerwa had raped her.

 “Two days after the incident, at around 9PM, the girl was at home washing dishes when Rerwa came and asked her to accompany him to his cottage,” Muduma said. “When they got to his cottage, the girl undressed and slept with Rerwa on his bed.” The court heard that two had sexual intercourse. “At around 10PM, the girl went home and when her aunt asked where she was coming from, she told her that Rerwa had asked her to visit his cottage. The girl also told her aunt that she had intercourse with Rerwa,” said Muduma. “The aunt called an elder sister in South Africa and notified her of the issue. She reported the matter to the police leading to Rerwa’s arrest and the girl was taken to hospital for medical examination.”

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