Juaboso: Two dead as poisonous millipedes invade farming community

Two children have been confirmed dead at Bonso-Nkwanta a farming community in the Juaboso district of the Western region after eating some of the strange millipedes that have invaded the community. According to Member of Parliament for Juaboso, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, the situation is alarming as over seventy communities have so far been affected. In an interview, Mr. Akandoh said the millipedes emit some poisonous gas making life very uncomfortable for the residents. According to him, the millipedes who come in thousands have invaded over 70 communities and are driving residents out of their homes.

 “It is very alarming…they are just like millipedes but they are not millipedes in actual fact they are small in nature and they come in their thousands and they have covered over 90 percent of a household.

 “They emit some poisonous gases and I am told that the Hospital has recorded two deaths. Two children accidentally chewed some of these insects and they died…it is quite alarming.” Mr. Akandoh added “once you kill them in less than 10 minutes you see them multiplying and you see them coming again.”

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