Tema: Another robbery on MP minus death

Dan Botwe, Member of Parliament for Okere constituency, has been robbed at his home in Tema Community 18. Three armed men according to Mr Botwe, broke into the house at around 12:30am, Friday, demanding he showed them where he kept his money. He said he and his wife were held hostage in their bedroom for close to 45 minutes. "I heard some noise and opened my eyes and saw about three people holding pistols on us, me and my wife and demanding things.

 They asked if I had a gun and I said no. "They started ransacking the whole place...took my wife's jewellery and some other things,"  "It was a near death experience and I was praying and consoling my wife as one of the armed men held a gun to us in our bedroom," Mr Botwe said.

 He said he usually watches television and sleeps around 1:00am mostly but his travel plans for Friday forced him to sleep earlier than the usual time last night. Mr Botwe indicated that he improved security at his residence after the MP for Abuakwa North, JB Danquah-Adu, was murdered in his home two months ago.

"I changed all my locks and added additional security and we are still in the process of improving security in my house here and in the constituency," he stated. The MP said this is the first time such an incident has happened at his home where he and his family have been living the past sixteen years.

The armed men were unable to enter his daughter's room, according to Mr Botwe. "Fortunately, they could not enter my daughter's room so she was able to call close family relatives who called the police," Mr Botwe said.

He noted that the family is yet to ascertain the amount of money and the actual value items the robbers took away.

 Meanwhile, the Community 18 District Police Command has picked up a security man who was on duty when the incident happened and one other security man in the neighbourhood as they begin their investigations. According to the legislator, the two were picked up because of inconsistency in their accounts.

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