Hajj Stampede: 5 Missing Ghanaians Causes Concern

All 5,309 Ghanaian Muslims in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia performing this year’s pilgrimage but five were said to be missing at the Ghana camp in Mina as of Friday. A source at Mina said that the Pilgrims Affairs Office of Ghana (PAOG) could not confirm whether the missing Ghanaians, including a Hajj agent, were killed or injured in last Thursday’s stampede which resulted in the death of more than 700 pilgrims in Mina. “Five Ghanaians are confirmed missing but cannot be pronounced dead at this moment,” the source said.“The Chairman of the Pilgrims Affairs Office, Alhaji Tanko, is making frantic efforts to establish the whereabouts of the missing Ghanaians,” it said. In all, about two million Muslims from across the globe are performing the pilgrimage.

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