Three out of 10 Kenyans don’t know their woman representative — survey

National Assembly\s Chamber  Photo PSCU
About a third of Kenyans do not know their woman representative in the National Assembly, a new survey has shown. A recent report by the Society for International Development (SID) established that at least three out of ten Kenyans may not recognise their woman MP if they bumped into her on the streets of their local town or city.
According to 'Voices from the Counties: Lessons from the 2015 Citizen Report Card' by SID, of the five elected representatives in the country, woman reps have the least contact with the public, including their constituents.

 "The woman MPs are the least known by 66 per cent of the respondents. Only 9 per cent of Kenyans have contacted their woman MP," reveals the report, which comes at a time when there has been clamour to scrap the position.

"Those who can name their governors are 85 per cent, 81 per cent know their MP while 77 per cent and 74 per cent know their senator and MCA respectively," reads the report. Interestingly, according to the survey findings, which were officially released on Tuesday by SID Associate Director Irungu Houghton, less than one in two Kenyans have ever contacted their five elected representatives.

 "Only 54 per cent have contacted their elected leaders while 46 per cent have not, a fact that could fuel more calls for a reduction in the levels of representation," said Mr Houghton. The most contacted elected representative according to the scorecard are as follows: MCAs (33 per cent), MPs (29 per cent), governors (14 per cent), senators (9 per cent) and women reps, 9 per cent.

On the mode they use to contact their representatives, 32 per cent of them did so through personal visits, 37 per cent through phone calls and 22 per cent through social media. Only 8 per cent of them said they use email. Policy Research Officer Joan Njagi said the report card is based on a national survey that was onducted between August 3 and 27, 2015 involving 2,404 respondents from 10 counties.

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